Friday, April 11, 2008

The Terrific Trio: History, English and Commercials

I wish I had taken more notes during Thursday night's game, as I'd like to have given you full rundowns on The Trio discussing Ron's ubiquitous Sovereign bank ads (which Ron admitted he had never seen until Thursday morning), Keith correcting his use of English History the night before (which lead to Gary saying, "We're all Flatheads here") or Kevin Burkhardt's sitting near the Tommy Agee home run marker in the upper deck and two attractive girls taking his picture when he was off mic (Ron: "He's a rock star!" Keith: "Kevin, you better tell them you're married."). But I was cooking using one of my many cookbooks for the first time, so I needed to give my kitchen my full attention. (And yes, the chicken and pasta both came out great, thanks for asking.) However, I did get this excellent exchange:

Keith: (Commenting on a batter not swinging at a pitch out of the strike zone) "The fish ain't biting...excuse me, the fish aren't biting. You should never say ain't."
Gary: "You can say ain't. It is baseball."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So how did the pasta and chicken come out? ;)

Nice win last night, with new heroes Pagan and Figueroa. Shame Keith and Dunkie weren't there for Dog Night.