Wednesday, June 28, 2006

On a Serious Note...

We at Zisk would like to send our thoughts to the family and friends of Peter Gammons, who was stricken with a brain aneurysm Tuesday. The prognosis for Gammons--the best baseball journalist ever in the opinion of this so-called "writer"--seems to be good from everything reported on ESPN (on the TV, radio and web sides) and the local Boston papers.

Gammons was pretty much the man who introduced me to quality baseball writing via his work with Sports Illustrated, and has continued to do great work on camera for the worldwide leader. I gained a new respect for Gammons (who always made tons of music references in his writings) when he mentioned my friends The Gentlemen in one of his columns a few years ago. The guys ended up backing Gammons at one of the Hot Stove, Cool Music benefits, which lead to Gammons recording an album with them (and tons of musical and baseball friends) called Never Slow Down, Never Grow Old, that's due out on July 4th and worth checking out. I was able to interview Gammons about the first Hot Stove Cool Music benefit album two years ago, and he was about as gracious as anyone I've ever spoken too. Click here and scroll about halfway down for the article I wrote from that interview and a little sidebar about the 2004 Mets (how wrong we were).

Get well soon Peter.

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